Page 21 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 21

years old I thought.

                          I couldn't believe the  ne detail of these hieroglyphics and I also had no idea

                          what they were saying.

                          But wait, I could hear chanting coming from below the cave. I peaked in a little

                          more. And I saw men in suits all bowing down to this big statue which looked like

                          a Pharoah with a bird face.

                          This was too weird…How the hell was I going to approach these bird

                          worshippers? How would I come to know what they know?

                          That was when a 11 year old kid climbed up to where I was, saw me and said

                          “psst” me...

                          “What are you doing here?”, he asked

                          He was very mature for his age...

                          I told him that I wanted to learn from the Mystery School, but he said that

                          women are not allowed.

                          “I know but I thought I’d try...”

                          “How did you get here?”, he questioned further.

                          “I went 155 kilometers from Cairo. By camelback.”, I replied with a tinge of pride in

                          my tone.

                          “You came all this way to study here?”, he sounds astonished.

                          I nodded.

                          “In 50 years, we’ve never had anyone  nd our location.”, he mumbled. “You must be

                          a very dedicated young lady. Hold on.”

                          He went down, talked to some man, probably his father, and came back to me

                          saying that I can you can sit in the back of the room and listen to what he has to

                          say for 20 minutes once the service is over. But that’s all they’ll allow.
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