Page 25 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 25

That, I am sure of. I thought to

                                                myself with a sneaky grin.

                          “Can you replicate it?”

                          He went to work and when we came back to him the next day, he said he needed

                          more time.

                          He wanted to get it just right.

                          So he took another 48 hours before he came back and said this is the Mystery

                          School Code, now everyone can have it.

                          He played the track and what rang out reminded me of what I heard in that cave.

                          It was just as powerful. Just as pure, just as pristine.

                          Everyone felt amazing as that frequency rang out.

                          You know what it’s like when you get a high in a drum circle? That’s how it felt

                          but it lasted for hours.

                          “Here it is.” Rick said as he handed the USB to me. “it’s all on this USB and it’s

                          yours. Be careful with it though”, he warned me. “That could be used for some bad


                          When I got home, Steve was beaming.

                          Apparently, a few days after I left for Egypt, Steve got an o er from Bank of

                          America and they are hiring him right away!

                          That is great news! “When did the o er came in?”, I asked.

                          He said, “You know it’s really weird. It was right after you sent me that frequency on

                          your phone! What was that?”

                                          A smile crept up my face,
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