Page 26 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 26

“You have no idea....”

                          This sound was already transforming my life. Our money troubles were over. And

                          my depression had turned to incredible joy. If I felt I was becoming even a little

                          depressed, I would just play the track and felt like a million bucks once again.

                          It was like a gun that I needed to reload every 6 hours or so, but those 6 hours are

                          more pleasurable than all the pleasure you used to have in 2 weeks in my old life.

                          My friends got a copy, hit play and they said they never felt so good.

                          One of them said I gotta go to the gym to get this energy out and she went and

                          lifted 10 pounds more than her previous max.

                          They also had a lot of stories of money basically falling from the sky -

                          promotions at their husband’s work, unexpected checks and one even won 100

                          grand at a lottery!

                          They would play the sound for their baby, and she would sleep right through

                          the night.

                          Dogs would calm down and sit.

                          They said this is better than a babysitter and better than sex.

                          They also said their cravings have curbed. They suddenly felt no hesitation about
                          going on and sticking to their diets. It was easy, they said.

                          There are so many stories but let’s just hear from someone who just go the audio


                                   “Rina, you are my angel. You had quite a trip. But let me tell

                                 you, it was well worth it. I used to have bad anxiety. Now I play

                                   the track and I feel calm and peaceful. My boss called me into

                                  his o ce and gave me a huge compliment and said I’m up for

                                   another promotion. My husband is looking at me di erently

                                 now. Our sex life has completely turned around. And this is just
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