Page 22 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 22

I asked him about the guy and he


                                       that the guy is their leader.

                          In a moment, I’m going to share with you exactly what I learned there from their

                          leader that day.

                          But the truth is, you don’t need to know what he said. What you need to know is

                          what he DID.

                          And I can provide that for you exactly as it was.

                                                                                        After the speech, he took out some

                                                                                        kind of tuning fork and gave a whack

                                                                                        with some kind of  at turkey baster

                                                                                        type contraption.

                                                                                        The sound rang out strong and

                                                                                        echoed through the cave.

                          Then he took out another metal stick and that echoed through the cave

                          harmonizing perfectly with the  rst one.

                          He did this 8 times.

                          This sound that resulted immediately possessed me. I cannot describe to you

                          what this sound did to my body. All I can say is, I felt electri ed. It was like my

                          entire body had a giant o  switch that is now turned on.

                          I had energy but I wasn’t jittery. I felt warm, peaceful and happy.

                          Was I in heaven, I thought?

                          And it wasn’t going away. It seemed to take like a permanent hold on me and

                          more than anything, I felt like I could DO anything.
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