Page 23 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 23

All my problems at home

                                                       just seemed so small.

                          I knew exactly what I needed to do about all that stu  and I just knew it was

                          going to resolve itself completely and naturally.

                          I never felt so good in my entire life. Not my wedding day or even my wedding

                          night. I don’t want to get graphic but let’s just say there was a sexual

                          component there that I cannot describe either.

                          I had no doubt that what I had just heard could heal just about anyone of just

                          about anything. Money problems, weight problems, self-esteem issues. Even

                          sexual issues and mental illness.

                          I honestly felt this auditory experience could wipe them all out in a single bang

                          of that fork.

                          I spoke to the kid again. “What do you call what you just did?”

                          “Oh that? That is the Mystery School Code. That is what we’ve  gured out through
                          5000 years of testing. It’s just gotten more and more powerful every year and now we

                          know the frequency Jesus used to do his miracles, and now anyone can have it.”, he
                          shared, beaming with pride for this amazing discovery.

                          “They will tell you the power could be used to do very destructive things, that it could

                          be incredibly dangerous. This is a lie. These guys are all big liars especially my dad.

                          This is how they keep it to themselves. I’ve never seen it do anything but good for

                          people. If you knew who these people really were, you would never respect them as

                          you do now.”, he said with a frown.

                          “Take the Mystery School Code with you and share it with the people you come


                                       I gave him a wink and said
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