Page 24 - The Mystery School Code ( Rina Bogart) : Flip It & Read It
P. 24

I already have.

                          See, I had been recording everything on my phone and I had immediately sent it

                          to Steve.

                          On the plane ride back, I realized what
                          I needed to do. A phone recording

                          wouldn’t have the same e ect but all I
                          needed was to get this analyzed by a

                          sound engineer.

                          And when I had it analyzed and

                          recreated, I would have a 5000-year-

                          old secret on my computer ready to

                          share with the world.

                          If they come after me for this, I’ll at least go down a hero. But holding on to it

                          without sharing with anyone else is simply not an option.

                          With the help of a few friends who were positively mesmerized by what I played

                          for them on my phone, we were able to hire the best in the business - Rick

                          Scho in.

                          You may have heard of him. He used to mix for Metallica and currently works

                          with Sony Records.

                          He caught on to the Mystery School Code really fast. Knew exactly what needed

                          to be done.

                          “Where did you get that?” he asked “That’s some pretty high-level stu . What do you

                          call it?”

                          “It’s the Mystery School Code.”

                          “Well yes, that’s the right term for it.”, he chuckled. “This can really shake up the

                          world you know that?”
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